Welcome To Boyhood's End


Solve puzzles and explore the world, depicted in hand-drawn pixel art. Watch beautifully animated conversations between the main characters. Join a young boy on his adventure and experience his story set in a hardcore sci-fi world.


Experience an 3-5 hour story

A hauntingly atomspheric pixel art world

Boyhoods End is a juvenile science fiction horror adventure game, in which the world is ruled by a mechanical overlord "R. Karellen". Every aspect of every person's life is rated with a "human score", and R. Karellen decides everything from academic and professional careers, romantic interests, to one's daily meals.

What's going on in your game?

The protagonist, Giovanni, has the lowest human score among the entire human race. Every day, he receives "special treatment" for everything including his meals and classes. On top of that, he gets bullied relentlessly by his classmates at the School, both in real life and online.

How about watching the adventure of the game?

Do you want to see a detailed story of the game? Then click on me and watch the game!

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